Thursday, April 9, 2009

A worl wind kind of year!

The last year has been amazing, exciting, busy, and ever changing. Two weddings, and a new nephew later, things are only getting better by the day. Kalan just celebrated her third birthday and has grown leaps and bounds in the blink of an eye. She keeps us on our toes and never knowing what to expect next. She is so smart (too smart for her own good sometimes) and loves to use her overflowing vocabulary.
I am finishing up my last semester of classes at ACU and will start student teaching in the fall. The end is in sight! Just a few more weeks of mayhem and then it is time to relax, for a minuet at least.
This year we also added a new uncle and a new nephew. Kalan is very excited about meeting Baby Hudson at the end of May but her expectations might be alittle off. She was really wanting her Aunt Jennifer to have a four year old insead of a newborn. We have been talking alot about it and she is starting to come around to the idea. She talks about teaching him to play and be big like her.
The newest addition to our family is my new camera!!! I have been waiting for it for what seems like forever but it is finally here. I am learning slowly but surly how to use it and capture every wonderful moment of our crazy lives.

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